Course Description

The Complete Kindle Publishing Course is your step-by-step guide to publishing and marketing your ebook on Amazon Kindle.

Bestselling author of Secrets of the Six-Figure Author and Founder of TCK Publishing

Tom Corson-Knowles

Tom Corson-Knowles is a serial entrepreneur, blogger and international bestselling author. He started his first business at age 13, manufacturing SAD lamps out of his father’s garage. By the time he graduated from Indiana University Kelley School of Business at age 22, he was earning a full-time income from his first successful business which he started in his dorm room.Tom then decided to share the keys to success that he had learned along his journey to becoming a financially independent entrepreneur through his books, videos, and seminars. Today, he teaches new and established authors and writers how to achieve incredible success by writing and selling ebooks on Amazon Kindle.Tom is the founder of TCK Publishing, an international trade book publisher that is leading the industry in providing advanced marketing support for authors. TCK Publishing specializes in marketing for both fiction and non-fiction authors to help get their messages and stories out to millions of readers all over the world.Tom is also the founder of the Publishing Profits Podcast show where he interviews bestselling authors, literary agents, publishers, marketers, and creative people to help you discover what’s working right now to grow your business and create a life you love.Tom’s bestselling books include Secrets of the Six-Figure Author, The Kindle Publishing Bible,Facebook For Business Owners, and The Kindle Writing Bible, among others.Tom is often quoted as saying,“You can achieve all of your dreams as an author if you’re willing to master the three key areas of authorship: writing, publishing and marketing.”

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Section 1 - Getting Started

  • 2

    Section 2 - Writing Your Book

    • Writing Your Book

    • How to Write Your Book Faster

    • Scheduling Your Writing Time

    • Hiring a Professional Editor

    • List of Editors

    • Choosing a Bestselling Book Title

    • Brainstorming and Planning Your Book Ideas

    • Resources

  • 3

    Section 3 - Cover Design

    • Designing a Bestselling eBook Cover

  • 4

    Section 4 - Formatting for Kindle

    • How To Format Your Book For Kindle

    • Formatting Your eBook with a Mac

  • 5

    Section 5 - Publishing on Kindle

    • Creating Your KDP Account and Uploading Your Book To Kindle

    • The Kindle Pricing Strategy

  • 6

    Section 6 - Everything You Need To Know About Marketing Books

    • Marketing Mistakes To Avoid

    • Marketing Beyond Your Book

    • Setting Up an Author Central Author Page

    • Choosing Amazon Category to Become a Bestselling Author

    • Using Keywords to Sell More Books

    • Writing a Book Description That Sells

    • Kindle Book Description Template

    • The KDP Select Free Marketing Strategy

    • How To Schedule KDP Select Free Promotion Dates

    • Creating International Geotargeted Amazon Affiliate Links

    • How To Get Unlimited High Quality Amazon Reviews

    • Special Category Rankings

    • Marketing Books on Pinterest

    • Twitter Marketing for Authors

    • Long Term Strategy

    • Writing More Books

    • Dealing With Negative Reviews

    • The Long-Term Value of Your Content

  • 7

    Section 7 - Financial Management For Authors

    • Reading Your Amazon Royalty Statements

    • The Keys to Financial Freedom for Authors

  • 8

    Section 8 - Bonus Videos & Interviews

    • 7 Lessons I Learned Building a $10,000 a Month Kindle Publishing Business

    • Interview With #1 Bestselling Author Steve Scott

    • Interview With Hugh Howey - Selling 1 Million+ Self Published Books

    • Interview With Robin Hoffman - The Four Bestseller Blueprints

    • Interview With #1 Bestselling Author Oli Hille

    • Interview With Award Winning and Bestselling Author Bev Flaxington

    • How To Turn Your Kindle Books Into a Six Figure Multimedia Ecosystem

    • Interview With Founder of Buck Books

  • 9

    Section 9 - Conclusion

    • The Best Is Yet To Come

    • Resources